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At CodeMedia 360, we provide tools and insights to help guide your business to success.

Modern Day SEO: Quality Content and User Experience

Modern Day SEO is user driven. Where not long ago,SEO and a high SERPs ranking could be exploited through a variety of unscrupulous technical practices; today’s SEO is inherently linked to user experience. Google’s search algorithm update of 2011, known as Panda, enabled relevant and quality content to rise higher than sites crammed with keyword spam. Google’s algorithm is of course undisclosed, the direct information from Google regarding the algorithm boils down to non-technical interpretations and generalities. What has become

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Adobe Flash Edges Closer to the End

Adobe Flash, a veritable staple of web animation for years, is close to being phased out. Having been on the defensive against mounting criticism from major tech companies such as Apple and Facebook, Adobe was hit by a major blow from Google in June. It was announced that Google will no longer automatically display Flash advertisements on Chrome, as of September, 2015. There is a new setting in Chrome that is aimed at optimizing plugins in order to extend battery

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Why Updating to the Latest Version of WordPress is Critical

Being complacent when it comes time to update your WordPress website can have a detrimental effect on your website’s security and functionality. Since WordPress is such an immensely popular CMS platform, it also makes it a tempting target for hackers and code distributors. Since WordPress uses open source coding, it is easily studied by just about anybody. Thus, WordPress updates always look to address known security vulnerabilities. Without updating your WordPress in conjunction with these security updates, your website can

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Consumer Research, and the Development of an Online Marketing Strategy

Information is power, and knowing the ins and outs of your customer base is critical in launching a successful online marketing campaign. In order to understand how best to proceed, certain questions about your business and your customer base need to be addressed. Who uses your product? You need to understand what your customers value, what type of products they prefer. Understanding some key demographic characteristics can help you cater towards a more defined target audience. For instance, what are

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The Importance of a Well Designed Landing Page

Find any thriving online business, and you’re sure to find a well designed landing page. What is a landing page exactly? A landing page is essentially the first page that a visitor to your website will see, it can range from a product details page to your company’s home page. Think of the traffic to your website as fish, and your landing page as the net. The finer the mesh on the net, the more fish you’ll be able to

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Blogger vs WordPress

Blogger and WordPress are two of the leading content publishing platforms available to consumers. For those making their first foray into website ownership, knowing which platform suits your needs is critical. So let’s do a quick rundown of the basic similarities, the differences, and the pros and cons of both Blogger and WordPress. Blogger is a  very popular blog-publishing platform that is owned by Google. Because of Google ownership, the Blogger user experience differs from WordPress in a number of

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